decorative image - contactContacts and Location Information

You should decide what kind of contact information suits you best. At a minimum, you need to give the address of the church, and at least one method for direct contact over the Internet, and full contact details for the church office, if you have one.

This is a good place to include a picture of the exterior of your church building, unless there's a prominent one elsewhere on the site. It will help visitors to find you.


Ideally, you will provide directions to the church as well. Beware of copyright on maps if you are tempted to scan one and place it on the website. A neat and helpful way of providing directions is to use Google's map service. (Start exploring at .)

Email addresses

Providing email addresses is better than providing a 'contact form' for people to fill up. In the context of a church website, forms are impersonal, and there's also the danger than someone will mistype their email address so you can't reply to them.

It's a good idea not to use personal email addresses on the website, but to establish general names which are forwarded to the person concerned, e.g., This allows destinations to be changed if individual roles change within the church, and also offers an extra protection against spam, as it's not actually your own email address that's being advertised. (Your Content Management System should provide some anti-spam protection for email addresses on the site - ask whoever supplied it and grumble if it doesn't.)

Last updated: April 2009


Verse of the Day
Matthew 7:7-8
“[Ask, Seek, Knock] “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

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