Social Networking

Present a good image on FacebookThe ever increasing popularity of Facebook makes it an obvious place to meet and communicate with people.

Because it's a place where people meet and talk, it's a place where there should be a church presence. Encourage your members to sign up if they haven't already. You might start a Facebook group for your church (for sharing amongst the fellowship). You certainly need a Facebook page (as your springboard for communicating more widely and meeting new people). Also, make Facebook friendships one of the ways you keep in touch with people on the fringes.

You could post about upcoming events or services, or get more ambitious and post about what you actually do in the community. Visiting the elderly, leading assemblies, etc. etc.. Always post with a photo, but be very aware of safeguarding issues.

Twitter is another high-profile service, interesting and useful for finding out what are the 'hot topics' in the public consciousness. If you have someone with the gift of the soundbyte, promote their feed, and see if you can use it as a way to start conversations.

Last updated: April 2017

Verse of the Day
Proverbs 15:23
“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

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